Home Imports (Lend Lease) Tanks Stuart Light Tank
Stuart Light Tank PDF Print E-mail
Written by David Boyd   
Wednesday, 31 December 2008 20:47

The Stuart Light Tank

   Stuart Light Tank     Stuart Light Tank

The Stuart was first imported by the United Kingdom in 1941, the Stuart was liked because it was reliable, something which couldn't be said for most British vehicles at the time, as a combat vehicle it wasn't particularly great, the armour was too thin to stop the new German 50mm guns and it's 37mm although very powerful for a gun of it's size wasn't up to the task of dealing with the latest German tanks, against the Italians it was clearly superior


Name Stuart I Stuart II Stuart III Stuart IV
Crew 4 4 4 4
(In turret) 2 2 2 2
Length 16'-4.5" 16'-4.5" 16'-4.5" 16'-4.5"
Width 7'-4" 7'-4" 7'-4" 7'-4"
Height 8'-3" 8'-3" 8'-3" 8'-3"
Weight 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5
Ground pressure        
Ground clearance 1'-4.5" 1'-4.5" 1'-4.5" 1'-4.5"
Track type Rubber Rubber Rubber Rubber
No per track 66 66 66 66
Weight of one Track 1292lb 1292lb 1292lb 1292lb
Track width 11.625lb 11.625lb 11.625lb 11.625lb
Engine Continental Guberson Diesel Continental Guberson Diesel
B.H.P per ton 20 20 20 20
Max road speed 36 36 36 36
Average road speed 25 25 25 25
Cross Country Speed 20 20 20 20
Gear box type Synchormesh Clutches Synchormesh Clutches Synchormesh Clutches Synchormesh Clutches
Gears 5 Forward 1 Reverse 5 Forward 1 Reverse 5 Forward 1 Reverse 5 Forward 1 Reverse
Fuel consumption (road) – MPG 2.59 3.5 2.59 3.5
Fuel consumption (cross country) 1.79 - 1.79 -
Fuel 44 44 44 44
Auxiliary capacity 30 30 30 30
Radius of action (road) 191 - 191 -
Radius of action (cross country) - - - -
Trench Crossing 6'-6" 6'-6" 6'-6" 6'-6"
Vertical obstacle 2' 2' 2' 2'
Fording height 3'-4 3'-4 3'-4 3'-4
Gradient 30 30 30 30
Main Armament 37mm 37mm 37mm 37mm
Ammunition - - - -
Secondary Armament .30 Browning .30 Browning .30 Browning .30 Browning
Ammunition - - - -
Transverse type Hand Hand Hand Hand
Max elevation 20 20 20 20
Max depression 10 10 10 10
Turret Ring Size - - - -
Optics M70 M70 M70 M70
Hull Nose 44.45 44.45     
Glacis 15.875 15.875     
Hull Front 38.1 38.1     
Hull Sides Upper 25.4 25.4    
Hull Sides Lower 25.4 25.4    
Hull Rear Lower 25.4 25.4    
Hull Rear Upper 24.5 24.5     
Engine Deck 9.525 9.525    
Hull Floor 9.525 9.525    
Hull Floor (Front) 12.7 12.7    
Turret Mantlet 44.45 44.45    
Turret Front 44.45 44.45    
Turret Roof 9.525 9.525     
Turret Sides 25.4 25.4    
Turret Rear 25.4 25.4    

Sources - WO 194

Last Updated on Wednesday, 31 December 2008 20:48

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